San Antonio, TX. Our mission heroes at the 90th Cyber Operations Squadron (COS) Shadow’s Edge Software Development Factory recently hosted the Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, Washington State Representative Adam Smith! The team briefed the Congressman on their mission set to include offensive and defensive capability development in support of USCYBERCOM and specialized Air Force missions.

"The unit’s downtown location is critical to its mission accomplishment specifically with the recruitment and retainment of highly-trained and qualified personnel" for which they are still hiring (links at bottom) according to previous Deputy Director, Ms. Rebecca Lively who is now with another DevSecOps organization the Defense Unicorns.

Namauu Technological & Industrial (NTI) currently supports the 90th COS and Shadows Edge Software Factory with five primary lines of effort:

  1. Scrum Framework & Agile Development Support
  2. Operations & Mission Technical Support
  3. Equipment & Data Center Management
  4. Cyber and Information Security
  5. Information Assurance

NTI’s Director of Operations Mr. Randall Brazelton stated the unique nature of the work done by the “Shadows Edge” Software Factory can only be done there and those interested in truly moving the needle should apply”!

As of the publishing of this post, there are still a few openings, see below:

(Photo credit: Shadows Edge Software)